Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Save the Date...

Okay so I am a little obsessing over our save the dates. Most of our guests will be from out of town so no matter where we hold our wedding - it's a destination wedding. Ideally, I'd like to send out save the dates no later than 9 months before the event.

And I know my limitations. While it would be awesome to DIY everything about our day, I know I'll start to get crazy overwhelmed. A bunch of half-started messes are in my future. But the Save the Dates? That's my chance to DIY. It's the first project and I have 3 months to come up with and execute something we'll love.

Okay and so I might be making this crazy more complicated than neccessary. But I feel the need to 'define' our wedding before making the save the dates. So I can stick to some sort of same vibeness throughout.

Last week, I spent more time than I'm going to admit on here perusing Flickr. I bookmarked all my favorite save the dates. Catagorized them. And printed to show E. She was like "OMG - I do not care."

But she's tricky like that because here's the secret...She DOES care. It's not like other couples who really may have a partner who could care less. So I have to get her on board before beginning any projects. Otherwise, mid-way through, she'll be like 'Wait. You're using that ribbon?' I know these things. So after being reminded of that fact, she sheepishly admitted I was right and pointed to these inspiration options.

Behold! :) I've developed a bit of a faux bois obsession in recent months. And this brings in that element but isn't so overwhelming that I'll look back on it and think 'why?' :)

This photo is just beautiful to me. It makes me want to run out and buy fabric and start stitching a banner. Of course actually having a DATE will help in this exercise! :) Which involves finalizing on a location. Which means choosing a state. Which is a giant big ARGH.

If I thought there was even a small chance of marriage being legal in Florida or Pennsylvania (where I'm from) any time soon...it would be such a huge happiness to me. Not just for civil rights and equality but for the selfish reality that planning would be simpler. I still really like the idea of spending our wedding money in a state that will recognize our wedding. I want to be able to say that $5,000 plus travel/vacation costs for our guests were lost to Florida. Okay -*reeling back in* - kinda went off on a tangent. Back to save the dates...

This is just a plethora of 'stuff we like'. It all looks pretty discordant here but you know - ignore the colors as they'd be personalized. The upper left example is adorable and totally who we are buuuut I want to move in a slighty more traditional direction. I love, love, love the idea of luggage tags. Our wedding is pretty small and I think I could make 50 luggage tags. Having NEVER used a sewing machine lol I may be moving too fast. :)

I'm excited though because after looking at so many examples and printing x-number of possibilities for E...we're definitely on the same page when it comes to this day. What more could I ask for?

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